Friday, May 8, 2009

How to choose Fish Tank Light

Lighting in a fish tank affects the overall health of any living thing in your aquarium. Lighting affects the moods, behavior and breeding/spawning cycles of your fishes, while everyone knows light is used for photosynthesis in plants and reefs used this too.

Although different types of fish have different lighting needs, aquarium lights are an integral part of any fish hobbyists. So I've list down some general rule of thumbs to know when it comes to fish and fish tank lighting.

"Turn off the lights" - kind of Fish
Some aquatic life have natural habitats in rain forest rivers or swamps. These areas are usually shaded and sunlight does not directly contact it. If you have one of these fish, plants or other marine life they probably don't need intense day lighting and may even prefer poorly lit aquariums.

"Give me the sun baby" - kind of Fish
On the other end of the stick, are fish originating from very shallow waters. These are constantly barraged with direct very intense sunlight and probably need 12 hour a day full spectrum fish tank lighting. These guys don't just need intense lighting to flourish they need it to survive. Most aquatic plants need this kind of lighting as well.

Best of both worlds" - kind of Fish
Nothing is black and white. There are always those fish that are in between these two extremes and can fare with just the right amount of light and intensity.

If your interested to know more about Fish Tank Lighting, Fish Tank Light or Aquarium Lights check Penelope Darcy's Fish Tank Pet blog.

Before you get an Aquarium Chiller

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